Belle Rummel
Belle Rummel
Class Year
Butler, Wisconsin
History and Public Relations
Belle Rummel ’25 is a major in public relations and history, with a minor in German. She dreams of combining her passions by working in public relations for museums, where she hopes to plan special events and connect with schools through outreach programs. Belle is also excited about the chance to travel across the country as a freelance public relations professional.
Thanks to Carthage, she took her academic journey to new heights by participating in a J-Term study tour to Germany. This experience let her dive into the culture and history of the country while also letting her improve her language skills and visit many historical sites and museums. “I also met so many amazing people and made lifelong friends,” Belle says. “It was a trip I will never forget.” She looks forward to using these experiences as she continues her studies and moves forward in her career.
Faculty mentors
“The relationships I’ve built with the faculty at Carthage have been crucial to my experience here. Without my advisors and professors, I would still be in a major I wasn’t passionate about. Their faith and support helped me understand my career aspirations and my goals as a student.”
Favorite class
“My favorite class at Carthage is Crisis Communication with Professor Colleen Palmer. The discussions in this class were engaging and enjoyable. I loved being able to apply what I learned to current events instead of just reading textbooks and taking notes.”
Toughest class
“The most challenging class for me was Historical Methods. As a required course for history majors, it focuses on how to write a historical essay. I found it quite difficult to grasp the requirements for a strong essay, but I’m now applying many of those skills in my senior seminar class.”
Campus involvement
“I am involved in a ton on campus! When I was a freshman and sophomore, I was a member of the spirit team and loved my time there. Currently, I hold two eboard positions: president of